Preventing a Roofing Disaster with These Top Maintenance Tips

Proper maintenance is key to taking care of your roof and ensuring that it has the longest life span possible. But you may feel a little intimidated by roof maintenance since you are not a professional and you really don’t have the opportunity to view your roof every day and get familiar with it. Taking care of a roof is not as easy as cleaning your windows or watering your lawn. Roof maintenance is very different from other home maintenance.

You shouldn’t shy away from roof maintenance though. By keeping up with your maintenance, you can prevent problems with your roof and save yourself a lot of money. Here are a few things you need to do to maintain your roof and prevent any disasters:

Arizona House

Keep the Roof Clean

Leaf litter and debris can pile up on the roof over time. If you leave it there, it can start to compost on the roof, and that can break down the roofing materials. Pests can eat through the roofing materials as they eat through the organic matter, and the bacteria and fungi that aid in the decomposition process can also damage your roof.

Keep your roof free of litter, and keep your gutters cleaned so that water and leaves can flow down the roof into the gutters and away from your house.

Check for Leaks

Even the smallest trickle of water coming through your roof can lead to extensive damage. A slow drip can undermine wood and other materials, slowly rotting it and spreading mold and mildew. You can have a small leak without realizing it until the damage has spread. Therefore, it is important that you are proactive in looking for leaks.

The best place to look for leaks is in your attic. Go in with a flashlight and look for dark spots on the wood of your roof. Also look for signs of mold to know that moisture is present.

Make Repairs Immediately

Budget often keeps people from making roofing repairs when they’re needed. So long as water isn’t pouring through the roof, most people think that the repairs can wait. But the truth is, the longer you wait to make roof repairs, the more extensive – and expensive – the damage can become.

As soon as you know there is a problem with your roof, get on the phone with a roofing company to make an appointment. The sooner you can make repairs, the smaller the problem will be.

Get an Inspection

It’s hard to see much of the damage that might be occurring on your roof. You don’t get up on your roof regularly. Even if you do go up there to check things out, you likely won’t recognize damage if it is there. It can be very difficult to detect roof damage, since much of it occurs beneath the surface.

You need to hire an expert roofer to inspect your roof at least once a year. A roofer will discover issues before they have a chance to become big problems. A roofer will also let you know if your roof is aging and will need replacement soon.

Hire the Right Roofer

Whether you are getting an inspection or making repairs to your roof, you need to have the right person for the job. There are many people who claim to be able to do roof work, but not all of them have the experience or skill to do the best job. Do your research to find the best roofer in the area to work on your home.

Look for a local roofer who is licensed, bonded, and insured, and check the person’s credentials. Look at reviews to find out the kind of service and quality you can expect. Then look for a guarantee on the work to know you have found someone you trust.

Keeping your roof in top shape does not take hard work, but it does take consistency. You need to stay on top of your maintenance to ensure your roof continues protecting your property and has a long lifespan. Find the best roofer to be your partner in keeping your roof healthy.

Arizona Roof Rescue is the Glendale roofing contractor you can trust. We offer experienced Glendale roof repair for residential and commercial properties. Our roofers are all licensed, bonded, and insured, and we have dozens of reviews from our satisfied clients. We have a reputation for excellence, and we are committed to maintaining that reputation with every job we do. Call us in Glendale today for your roofing needs.

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