The History Of Roofing Materials
The capability for man to cover his crafted dwellings allowed our species to move out of caves and hole-based homes. Advancements in roofing necessary to brave inclement weather often reflected the most common materials of the time. A history of materials utilized by Glendale roofing contractors throughout the ages consistently displays a tendency towards availability, with only recent advancements building on more esoteric roofing implementations.
Early roofs included simple dried grass, an assortment of branches or fresh leaves. With the advent of mud and clay based dwellings, many early roofing contractors found that covering a roof foundation with clay protected it more fully from rain. Native cultures from areas where clay was abundant, such as tribes from Arizona or New Mexico, were known for their fully enclosed clay and adobe style houses. Arizona tribes in particular were regarded for their initial implementation of clay tile-based roofs.
Additional methods of roof construction stayed in line with general construction practices. The advent of framing using sturdy pieces of wood allowed for different roof designs. Early homes were known to have different methods for preventing rain accumulation, such as sloping or pitched style roofs. These methods continue to be employed due to their simplicity and effectiveness.
More sturdier masonry gave way to the possibility for less slope in roofs. Brick, mortar and stone based dwellings allowed for localized drainage and flat roof designs. Previously the climate of an area had dictated the necessity of a particular roof design, but it is now commonplace to find flat or very slightly sloped homes in even the wettest of areas.
Yet, the ability for a roof to keep water from the inside of a dwelling will always be its main purpose. The advent of flat roofs gave way to drainage channels leading to a gutter system, but the need for continual movement of water was localized through roof tile placement. Tiles are typically made of waterproof substances that are placed to prevent water from entering between them. Shingles or flat sheets of seamlessly connected material are now common roofing arrangements.
Modern roof engineering applies the understanding of material degradation to time tested methods of weather proofing. Arizona Roofs are now required to be highly resistant to change from temperature or humidity fluctuations. To reach this heat based requirement, you may need professional roof repairs in Glendale by a licensed and bonded roofing company. The difference between a commercial project in one region and a residential application in another locale can result in an entirely different material, roof style and work plan.

6069 N. 57th Drive, Glendale, Arizona 85301
Office: 602-242-2706
Fax: 602-595-2704
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